Heamo-B Malt


Bone Marrow Tonic

Heamo-B malt is a unique combination of powerful herbs and minerals selected from ancient texts which is a good general tonic, especially for middle aged and old age people. It is a boost to the bone marrow which strengthen and helps in re-generates fresh blood by forming healthy stem cells (blood forming cells).
It removes toxins and purifies the blood, thus quickly heals the body with robust energy levels.

Dosage :

One teaspoon twice a day after food with cow’s milk preferably or as directed by the physician.

Caution :

In Pregnancy, to use under advice of a medical ractitioner. Avoid fish, chicken and egg during the course of treatment.
Keep away from the Children.

Packing :

200 Gms pack & 500 Gms.


Ingredients :

Datura fastausa
Withania somnifera
Syzygium aromaticum
Muranga oloifera
Myristica frangs hout
Myristira frangs houtt
Strychnos nuxvomica
Santhalam album
Phoenix sylvesris
Mucuna pruriens
Plumbago zeylanica
Curculigo orchioides
Papaver somiferum
Piper longum
Gossypium herbaceum
Crocus sativus
Cinnamonum camphora
Compound preparation (Mercuric sulphide)



Heamo-B Malt
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